The investment world is continuously changing and creating new ways for investors to generate strong, stable, predictable returns. But these changes also create new risks and pitfalls. We are in the midst of an era of continuous innovation but many investors and advisors continue the traditional focus on stocks and bonds for retirement planning. Others, however, have learned to optimize their investment portfolios by adding Alternative Investments including real estate.
Modern Portfolio Theory calls for a diversified set of uncorrelated asset classes within an investment portfolio and it has been clear to many investors for some time that having alternative investments, and especially real estate, can provide diversification and uncorrelated returns.
Retirement Planning E-Book
In this guide, we answer some of the most pressing questions you might have about multifamily real estate. By taking the time to think through these questions in some detail, you will be able to decide if multifamily investing makes financial sense for you.
When we are comparing different investment options, there are many things we need to consider:
- What is the expected return and how likely will this return actually be achieved?
- What is my ideal investment timeline? Am I willing to part with this money for an extended period of time?
- What other assets have I already invested in? Do I need to diversify my current holdings?
- Will the proposed investment offer monthly (or periodic) payments? Or do I have to wait until I cash out before I can enjoy the benefits of investing?
Once these questions are laid out, the investing landscape becomes more difficult to navigate. Investing is even more difficult when you are saving for a major event like retirement, something that will cost an unknown dollar amount and will last an unknown amount of time.
In this guide, we answer some of the most pressing questions you might have about multifamily real estate.
- What is the role of income investing in retirement planning?
- How can I use Alternative Investments such as real estate to optimize my portfolio?
- How uncorrelated are real estate investments to stocks and bonds?
- What real estate investment provides the most stable and highest risk adjusted returns and income?
- Why should I trust Bay Housing Investments (BHI) to be my multifamily investment partner?
By taking the time to think through these questions in some detail, you will be able to decide if multifamily investing makes financial sense for you.